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How many Earth-sized, temperate planets are there in our galaxy Since we have discovered only a handful of these planets so far, it is still quite difficult to estimate their number. Current estimates of the frequency of Earth-sized planets rely on extrapolating measured occurrence rates of planets that are slightly bigger and closer to their parent star, as those are easier to detect. The studies are primarily based on observations from the Kepler mission, which surveyed more than 100,000 stars in a systematic fashion. These stars are all located in a tiny portion of the entire sky; so, occurrence rate studies assume that this part of the sky is representative of the full galaxy. These are all reasonable assumptions for the back-of-the-envelope estimate that we are about to make.
Some of the Webb telescope's most stunning observations won't come from any pretty images. Using instruments called spectrometers, Webb can sleuth out what the atmospheres of distant, alien worlds are composed of. (There are perhaps a trillion or more exoplanets in our Milky Way galaxy alone.) Some planets, for example, might contain water, methane, and carbon dioxide, which could potentially mean they're habitable worlds.
Webb's scientists plan to also point the powerful telescope at smaller, rocky, perhaps Earth-like worlds. There could be well over a trillion exoplanets(Opens in a new tab) in our galaxy alone. But we know vanishingly little about them.
The images reflect five areas of space that researchers agreed to target: the exoplanet WASP-96 b; the Southern Ring Nebula; the Carina Nebula; Stephan's Quintet (five galaxies in the constellation Pegasus); and the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723. 59ce067264